How Much Do Beer Dispensing Equipment Cost?
September 13, 2021
Keg Beer Equipment

Beer FOB (Foam Over Beer) is one of the most crucial pieces of beer bar equipment of any brewery. It helps to prevent wastage and even save the beer to ensure continued supply on a busy night. There are many benefits attached to the use of this equipment that is widely acknowledged by the brewery industry.
So what do you need to know before buying Keg Beer Equipment?

1. Quality of the keg beer FOB equipment

The first and foremost thing is to check the quality of this beer equipment before buying it. Traditionally, most of the keg beer FOB equipment was made of copper and brass which had a number of disadvantages such as a high cost, difficulty in maintenance, and short shelf life. Today, the FOBs are made from better and more durable glass and plastic material, which enables longer life and lesser investment.

2. Capacity Of The Equipment

The second thing to consider is the capacity of the keg beer equipment. It is necessary that you buy beer FOB equipment, which is appropriate for your brewery and takes you through the busy business night. This equipment stores a certain amount of beer as a reserve when a beer keg runs out to keep the supply running. This reserve should be big enough to cover the time lag between changing kegs. The size of the brewery and the amount of beer that it produces determines the size of this beer equipment required.

3 . The Spout Of The Equipment

The spout of the Beer FOB equipment is another important factor to consider before buying one. The spout of the keg beer equipment should be sturdy and made of quality material so that there is no leakage and wastage of beer. It is also necessary to check that it attaches properly to the keg so that beer can flow into it smoothly. This ensures that the beer generated from the keg is not wasted, and it flows into the supply lines, which means it does the work it is supposed to be doing without any problems. 

4. Safety Measures To Be Taken After Purchase

The material used in making the keg beer equipment and its maintenance should be taken care of in a proper manner. Our double FOB beer bar equipment is made of durable and certified material and works smoothly for longer durations. The equipment is made of high-quality material, which will have a longer life. The fittings should be of high quality and tightly joined. The spout of the equipment is also durable, which avoids leakages that generally result in wastage of beer. If you are buying from a well-known brand shop like us, there are lesser chances of fraud or quality compromises. This will avoid leakage which will result in wastage of beer.

Benefits Of A Beer FOB Equipment

The benefits of getting keg beer equipment are that it helps in preventing wastage of beer and even saves the beer to ensure continuous supply on a busy night. Here are some advantages of buying keg equipment:

Save Money On Waste Management

Another major benefit of buying beer bar equipment is to save money on waste management. The operator may be only serving a small amount of beer at any given time. However, the beer equipment will ensure that the beer is always ready to be served. The excess amount of beer that would have been wasted is now used as reserves in the keg beer FOB, hence saving you money on waste management.

Temperature And Continuity

Another benefit of this equipment is that it allows the user to store and serve beer continuously when they are busy. It also ensures that the quality of the stored beer is not affected by time or temperature, since an electric cooler is used to maintain a specific temperature range. This means that the stored beer will taste fresh and excellent.

Keg Replacement

It helps to preserve a certain amount of beer as a reserve when a keg runs out. The beer equipment can easily and automatically change over from one keg to another. The keg beer equipment makes the beer bottling process very easy and leaves no room for error. It is less expensive and easier to maintain. This equipment covers the time in between changing the kegs when one runs out. The benefits are increased in the case of our double beer FOB, which has space for two beer kegs. So, if one runs out, the equipment quickly shifts to the other one, giving you an intimation and time to change the keg.

From the above details, it can be concluded that the beer bar equipment is quite essential for saving costs and resources. You can avail the benefits of this equipment with us at Keg SwitcherVisit our online website today to know more.


  1. […] this article, we will cover everything you need to know about keg beer equipment or beer bar equipment including the different types of kegs available on the market today. We’ll go over some […]

  2. […] thing is to check the quality of this beer equipment before buying it. Traditionally, most of the keg beer FOB equipment was made of copper and brass which had a number of disadvantages such as a high cost, difficulty in […]

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